Wordsearch bible for mac
Wordsearch bible for mac

  1. #Wordsearch bible for mac full
  2. #Wordsearch bible for mac software
  3. #Wordsearch bible for mac Pc
  4. #Wordsearch bible for mac license
  5. #Wordsearch bible for mac download

These base packages had been a little difficult to wade through and make sense of in Accordance 9, but the August release of Accordance 10 greatly simplified things. They sell various other products, as well. Accordance has various collections (beginning with the basic Starter Collection at $49.99), which you can compare here. You can also purchase add-on modules in BibleWorks. But this really doesn’t matter if you wouldn’t buy many of those resources in the first place (per point #1 above).īibleWorks does not have packages, per se–it’s just the program and all its contents for $359. You should actually probably do this before you check out the individual programs a whole lot–just to make sure you don’t end up spending money you don’t really have! Sometimes you’ll see a price tag associated with how much a base package would cost you if you bought all the resources in print.

#Wordsearch bible for mac Pc

I noted in a Logos review recently how I was working in Logos 5 on a PC, then the next day opened Logos on my Mac to the exact same window I had just closed on a PC the day before. However, being able to switch between a PC and a Mac in Logos and have everything sync via the cloud is a great feature. Logos for the Mac feels fairly Mac-like, but not to the extent that Accordance does.

wordsearch bible for mac

It’s also cloud-based, so that you can sync your work in Logos across computers, platforms, mobile devices, on the Internet using Biblia, and so on. If I had an iPhone, that would definitely be on there. It looks like a stripped-down version of Accordance, but it’s free. Accordance also has an iOS app, which I haven’t used, as I do not own an iPhone, iPad, iOverbrain, etc. It is very Mac-like, which is a goal and priority of Accordance.

#Wordsearch bible for mac software

(I understand that you can run Accordance on Windows now via an emulator, per the above link, but that it’s not 100% functional in the same way Accordance on Mac is.) Accordance is silky smooth–if I may call a Bible software program that. They have announced that they’ll introduce Accordance for Windows in 2013, and they have said that they are previewing that at SBL/AAR this week. It’s excellent on a PC, though.Īccordance is a Mac program. I can’t yet recommend the latter option, where it is in “ Public Preview,” since the “native” Mac version looks only native to about two Mac operating systems ago… I expect BibleWorks will make improvements here, but I haven’t found BibleWorks on my Mac to be as functional as I’d like. The former option is costly and requires a lot of your Mac machine (though you get a fully-functinoing BibleWorks on a Mac that way).

#Wordsearch bible for mac license

This either requires a separate Windows license (= more $$), where it runs nicely in Parallels, etc., or you can use a “native” Mac version of it. In these reviews I look at multiple features and resources in each program.īibleWorks is a PC program.

#Wordsearch bible for mac full

You can also look through the full reviews I’ve done of BibleWorks here, Accordance here, and Logos here (v.4) and here (just-released v. Look through those sites for videos which will let you see the programs in action. Get a sense of what each can do by visiting their respective Websites (BibleWorks here, Accordance here, and Logos here).

wordsearch bible for mac

Explore BibleWorks, Accordance, and Logos on their own merits. It depends on why and for what you want Bible software. I highlight these considerations because the answer to the question, “Which Bible software program should I buy?” is: It depends. Similarly, are there things you know you don’t need? Are you interested only in studying the Bible in English (or Spanish, or French…) but not necessarily in Greek and Hebrew? Are maps and graphics something you can easily access elsewhere? Is having a large library of electronic commentaries not a value? I don’t mean in an existential sense I mean: for what do you want to use Bible software? Personal Bible study? As a means to access electronic commentaries for sermon preparation? To do in-depth word studies in the original languages? To compare the Greek and the Hebrew texts of the Old Testament? For complex syntactical searches? To help generate graphics and handouts for a Sunday School class you teach? Some or all of the above?

wordsearch bible for mac

Think through why you want the Bible software. If you’re in the market to buy Bible software, then, here’s how I recommend proceeding.ġ.

#Wordsearch bible for mac download

There are some free programs available for download ( E-Sword, for example), but my sense has been that if you want to have something in-depth, you’ll probably want to consider BibleWorks, Accordance, and Logos. Having now reviewed BibleWorks 9 ( here), Accordance 10 ( here) and Logos 4 ( here) and now 5 ( here), I want to compare the three programs and offer some suggestions for moving forward with Bible software. Which Bible software program should I buy? It’s an important question for the student of the Bible, especially if she or he is on a limited budget.

Wordsearch bible for mac